Chapter One: The Beginning

“Though no one can go back now and make a brand new start, anyone can start now and make a brand new ending.” -Carl Bard

I have tried to diet in the pass, and like most people, it goes well for the first few months and then tanks. The biggest challenge I would face would be maintaining the diet. I would grow tired of counting points, prepping food, preparing foods that my kids wouldn’t even eat and would usually take an hour to make. There would also be the concern of cost, and so I would eventually give up.

But not this time..

I knew something had to change towards the end of last year. I was developing new health issues and knew the best way to treat them would be to change my habits and lifestyle, or they would become worse and the risks would go up. I had reached out to a friend of mine who was a health coach for a great weightloss/lifestyle change company . I spent several months making up excuses as to why I couldn’t do it. Then at my last doctors appointment, I received some news and I knew I didn’t have a choice anymore.

I have spent the last two years suffering both mentally and physically. I am tired all of the time. I have become more of a hermit because I am embarrassed about the weight I keep putting on, so I won’t go out in public if I don’t have to. I become winded walking up any incline, have to force myself to take pictures with family, and prefer to take them in a selfie fashion so I can make myself look thinner. I have tried to exercise, but at this point I have put on so much weight that it kills my knees and lower back. Shoes, yes shoes, are a nightmare. It is an exercise in itself to bend over to put them on and lace them up, and if my shoes become untied in public, I ask my partner to tie them for me. The kicker to all of this is… I end up eating more to comfort me. Sometimes, I even binge eat.

Can anyone relate to this?

Center your life around what matters most to you.

Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen

I start my program this Monday. I was asked what my why’s were so I can focus on them during the program. My whys:

  • I want to be able to become more active with my boys
  • I want to improve my overall health and lower my risks
  • I want to feel spiritually, mentally, and physically strong

These three things are what matter most to me during this new journey I will be taking. There is no longer a cost too great for my health and life. I am determined and will fight to be healthy. I am ready to make a radical change in my life and make it last long term.

So I will be using my blog as a journal of sorts in order to help me remain accountable. I hope you will follow this new adventure with me!

Messy blessings,
